Monday, January 14, 2008

Market Closed

Well after seven months of climbing uphill we had our last market on Friday January 4th. I took this picture just before taking down the tents and removing the trailer. Folks that shopped at our market came up and expressed their disbelief that it wouldn't be happening again and also they expressed their appreciation for what we brought to the space and the community.

I have to say though that it was my wife Irenes creativity and aloha spirit that made it what it was, it inspired me to assist in the building of it yet she made it what had customers coming back regularly happy that we were there.
There were elders that would buy produce at Irenes special elder discount and then return later in the day with a dish that they prepared for us to eat. Its that kind of community connectivity that the market embodied. So many stories, individuals,families all sharing good will in those months we were there.

We want to thank all that supported us and hope that what we created there will inspire others to make that space something special for the community. Its needed!!!!

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